Click here to purchase KYO with cash via digitorize


Token Details

Token Symbol: KYO
Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain (“BSC”)
Sale Price US $0.10 per token
Direct Sale Token Delivery Not later than 1 week after purchase
Coins & Tokens accepted for Direct Sale ETH, USDT, BNB (Smart Chain), BUSD (Smart Chain)
KyotoSwap Token Delivery Instantaneous
Token accepted for KyotoSwap BUSD (Smart Chain)

How To Buy KyotoCoin

1. Setup Trust Wallet or MetaMask. • 2 Mins
For Desktop users we recommend:
For Mobile users we recommend:
2. Configure Wallet to receive KYO (KyotoCoin). • 1 Min
Configure with:
Configure with:
3. Ensure your wallet contains funds to buy KYO.
You can use:
Use KYOTOSWAP for your purchase you need
How to purchase BNB & BUSD?
4. Buy KYO. • 1 Min
To purchase with:
Click the icon to make a payment with your MetaMask or Trust Wallet to the wallet address that pops up
(1 USD = 10 KYO)
After you have made the payment (transfer), you can check the transfer status by clicking on the transaction hash/details in your wallet. Kyoto Network will not send any confirmation. You will then receive your KYO no later than 1 week after the payment date.

Purchased your KYO with BTC?

To complete the transaction contact us:

Use KyotoSwap

Go to KyotoSwap
If you have BNB & BUSD in your wallet then you can use KYOTOSWAP and receive your KYO immediately
1 BUSD = 0.1 KYO (Private Sale Price)
BNB is used for gas fees which are typically below $1
Max Purchase is 10,000,000 KYO